28.2.2009 | 13:55
Aš fordęma eša leggjast eindregiš gegn - er munur žar į?
Bęši Mogginn (mbl.is) og visir.is (Fréttablašiš?) hafa greint frį žvķ, vęntanlega eftir ķgrundaša "löggilta" žżšingu, aš Bandarķsk stjórnvöld FORDĘMI žį įkvöršun nżrrar rķkisstjórnar Ķslands aš falla ekki frį įkvöršun žeirrar sem sat žar į undan um veišar į hundraš og fimmtķu langreyšum og hundraš hrefnum ķ sumar.
Ég er enginn sérstakur hvalveišisinni. Vil aš viš höfum rétt til aš nżta žęr aušlindir sem hér eru, ef žvķ fylgir enginn skaši, eins og śtrżmingarhętta. En jafnframt blasir viš mér aš ef hvalveišarnar valda meiri skaša į öšrum svišum en sem nemur hag žess aš veiša hvali, žį ber okkur aš višhafa skynsemi. Ķ žessu sambandi munar žvķ miklu aš lesa rétt śt śr pólitķskum og diplómatķskum skilabošum stjórnvalda annarra žjóša.
Ķ viškomandi yfirlżsingu Bandarķskra stjórnvalda eru žau ekki aš fordęma (condemn) neitt. Žau eru aš leggjast eindregiš gegn įkvöršuninni um hvalveišarnar (strongly oppose). Hörš andstaša er einfaldlega allt annaš en fordęming; žarna er ekki bara stigsmunur į heldur ešlismunur aš mķnu mati. Ég get illa skiliš af hverju menn į ritstjórnum mbl.is og visir.is setja villandi hugtak ķ fyrirsögn hjį sér.
Svona er textinn frį U.S. Department of State:
The United States strongly opposes the Government of Icelands announcement on February 18, 2009, of its decision to uphold the former Governments issuance of a quota for 150 fin and 100 minke whales to be harvested in Icelandic waters. We are deeply concerned that stocks of fin and minke whales are not adequate to support this harvest. We also believe this action will undermine the ongoing future of the International Whaling Commission efforts, of which Iceland is a participant. We call upon the Government of Iceland to rescind this decision and to focus on the long-term conservation of whale stocks, rather than on the short-term interests of its whaling industry.
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Aušvitaš er munur žar į.
Žarna eru fréttamenn į žessum tveimur mišlum annaš hvort aš blanda saman "prķvatinu" eša svona lélegir ķ "śtlensku".
Er žetta eins og hjį honum Ólafi Ragnari - misskilningur?
En svo ratar žetta aftur til śtlanda en nś meš enska oršinu "condemn" og viš enn og aftur bśin aš skaša hagsmuni okkar ein og óstudd.
Veišum hvali (IP-tala skrįš) 28.2.2009 kl. 14:24
Ansi lżsandi fyrir žessa yfirlżsingu aš segjast fordęma hvalveišar. Oršiš er nįttśrlega fallbeyging į oršinu fordómar. Ž.e. dómur įn žekkingar og grunns. Svona vištekiš hatur og illska śt ķ eitthvaš įn žess aš hafa kynnt sér mįliš.
Er žaš ekki einmitt žaš sem ręšur flestu ķ utanrķkisstefnu USA?
Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 28.2.2009 kl. 15:11
Afstašan er svipuš og aš fordęma allar fiskveišar vegna žess aš ein tegund er ķ śtrżmingarhęttu. Žaš er einmitt talandi dęmi um fordóma. Svona svipaš og sega aš svart fólk sé latt eša hafnfiršingar heimskir..
Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 28.2.2009 kl. 15:15
Žaš er ljóst aš annašhvort hafa blašamenn Mbl ekkert mįlskyn eša žį aš žeir eru hśrrandi hlutdręgir ķ mįlinu. Annars er oršiš condemn, nęstum svona metaphysical term. Žaš er raunar ašeins ķ hendi gušs og galdranorna aš gera slķkt.
Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 28.2.2009 kl. 15:19
Frišrik Žór žakka žér góš skrif, en hvaš finnst žér um žaš aš stór-hvalir eru ekki ķslenskir, koma hér viš um stund į sumrum og fram į haust og fara svo annaš? - Og aš viš skuldbundum okkur meš stašfestingu į hafréttarsįttmįla Sameinišužjóšanna einmitt af žessari įstęšu til aš ręna žeim ekki og drepa žegar žeir ęttu leiš hér hjį nema ķ samrįši viš ašrar žjóšir svęšisins og alžjóšlegar stofnanir sem um mįliš fjalla.
- erum viš einir žjóša engum skyldum hįšir žegar okkur mislķkar žęr?
Helgi Jóhann Hauksson, 28.2.2009 kl. 15:47
Reyndar merkilegt aš blaša- og fréttamenn greina aldrei frį žessari hliš mįlanna frekar en öšrum sem eru ķslensku aušvaldi óžęgilegar.
Helgi Jóhann Hauksson, 28.2.2009 kl. 15:48
Viš höfum vissulega tekiš žįtt ķ massķfu samrįši um hvalveišarnar, félagi Helgi. Žvķ er ekki meš nokkru móti hęgt aš hafna. Ķ mķnum augum lżtur žetta samrįš um aš ofveiša ekki hvali og vernda žį fyrir śtrżmingarhęttu. Ekki um aš veiša ekki hvali "no matter what". Rök sem ganga śt frį tilfinningasemi og meintu gįfnafari hvalsins virka ekki į mig.
Eru hvalirnir bara "gestir" viš Ķsland og höfum viš žį ekkert tilkall til aš nżta žį? Žessi braut er varasöm, Helgi. Žessi rörsżn getur gilt um ęriš margt. Ég vil ekki snśa śt śr, en viš gętum oršiš aš leggja af żmsar veišar ef žetta er višmišunin. Ķ mķnum huga į engin žjóš hvalina og allir meš lögsögu yfir hvalaslóšir ęttu aš geta nżtt sér aušlindina - į sjįlfbęran hįtt. Ég geng žį aš sjįlfsögšu śt frį žvķ aš skynsemi rįši för; hvorki rįnyrkja né "ómannśšlegar" veišiašferšir. Viš erum hįšir sömu skyldum žar og ašrir.
Žessi višhorf mķn eru mķn eigin - ég tek mįtulega takmarkaš mark į Kristjįni Loftssyni og er ekki upptekinn af žvķ hversu mikinn fisk hvalirnir éta ķ lögsögunni okkar. Og aldeilis žjóšhagslega frįleitt aš veiša hvalina ef žaš hefur ķ för meš sér nettó-tap fyrir žjóšarbśiš. Žetta er ekki naušsynjavara, frekar en aš žaš sé žjóšinni lķfsnaušsynlegt aš veiša laxinn ķ įnum eša hreindżrin fyrir austan.
Frišrik Žór Gušmundsson, 28.2.2009 kl. 16:03
Frišrik Žór žér hefur tekist aš halda śti gagnrżnum bloggmišli meš góšum įrangri. Žaš er mikilvęgt aš halda žessu til haga aš fjölmišlar žżši fréttir og yfirlżsingar rétt.
Jón Baldur Lorange, 28.2.2009 kl. 16:03
Žaš er mér óskiljanlegt af hverju viškomandi blašamenn/fréttastjórar velja oršiš "fordęma" ķ žessu tilviki - nema sem viljandi slagsķšu.
Frišrik Žór Gušmundsson, 28.2.2009 kl. 16:06
According to the Icelandic/English dictionary the word fordęma translates to condemn or denounce. Condemn is defined as expressing utter disapproval while denounce is defined as informing against. As an english speaker I would find very little difference between "strongly appose" and "condemn" as apposing anything would usually require expressing disapproval while providing information against. The use of either word/phrase therefore has very similar meanings in English. The word chosen is simply a matter of symantics.
Gregg Thomas Batson (IP-tala skrįš) 28.2.2009 kl. 20:41
"Strongly oppose" - ekki "appose" og "condemn" er ekki žaš sama - hvort heldur mašur en "enskumęlandi" eša ekki - og alls ekki į ķslensku.
Aš "fordęma" er ekki žaš sama og aš "vera mjög andvķgur". Ķ oršinu "condemn" felst dómur.
Žessi orš hafa ekki "similar meanings", žaš er grķšarlegur stigsmunur žar į.
Męlandi (IP-tala skrįš) 28.2.2009 kl. 21:06
Gregg; In this case a word is being translated from English into Icelandic; not vice versa. "Fordęma" in Icelandic is a very, very strong word, a vehement, loud fist-raising statement. "Stongly oppose" is does not nearly reach this "feeling" in my "book". To Icelanders there is one heck of a difference. To be "strongly opposed" to an action does not imply a physical reaction, but to "condemn" does.
Maybe this is cultural. I think that 9 out of 10 Icelanders would aggree with me in general about this difference in the words. And remember; The translation is to the enlightenment of Icelanders, so the depth of the US statement should be translated to an Icelandic understanding.
But thanks for the input, it is appreciated.
Frišrik Žór Gušmundsson, 28.2.2009 kl. 22:03
Bandarķkin eru stęrsta hvalveišižjóš heims. Held žeir ęttu aš lķta sér nęr įšur en žeir fara aš mótmęla veišum ķslendinga.
Ólafur Gunnarsson, 28.2.2009 kl. 23:35
Sęll Frišrik Žór.
Sem löggiltur skjalažżšandi myndi ég žżša
Strongly opposes = er eindregiš į móti,
eša eitthvaš į žeim nótum.
Gunnar Tómasson (IP-tala skrįš) 1.3.2009 kl. 01:51
Frišrik, Point taken. Perhaps it would even be inappropriate to use the Icelandic word fordęma had the Americans used the word condemn. English is a much more fluid and evolving language do to its size and usage and the word condemn colloquially means to express utter or strong disapproval. The word no longer carries the very strong meaning it once did which is to damn(the root word) or curse to hell. Although condemn still retains this meaning I can assure you that when the Americans do use the word condemn diplomatically, they are not cursing someone to hell. Therefore strongly oppose and condemn have similar meanings in modern english usage. To give another example, you can look at the usage of the word terrible. Collloquial use of this word today means simply bad. A terrible meal. But the word still retains its old meaning - causing or likey to cause terror (the root word), dreadful, formidable. You will probably never run across this usage and it would be wrong to translate the example as a meal that caused terror. I know this doesn't really help the discussion of the Icelandic word fordęma but I think the Americans were condemning (modern usage) whaling, just more politely.
Gregg Thomas Batson (IP-tala skrįš) 1.3.2009 kl. 02:15
I just looked at two different English-Icelandic dictionaries - in both cases:
Condemn = fordęma.
Gunnar Tómasson (IP-tala skrįš) 1.3.2009 kl. 02:31
"I know this doesn't really help the discussion of the Icelandic word fordęma but I think the Americans were condemning (modern usage) whaling, just more politely"
Ķ žessum oršum hér aš ofan mį greinilega sjį "mér finnst" partinn, sem blašamenn bęši hjį Morgunblašinu og Visi.is komust ekki frį žegar žeir sögšu frį yfirlżsingunni bandarķsku, hér aš ofan.
Ef ég er į móti hvalveišum og er blašamašur mį ég žį "žżša" fréttir mįlstaš "mķnum" ķ hag?
Ef blašamenn gera žetta ķ eins ómerkilegu mįli og žessu hvaš gera žeir žį žegar kemur aš öšru mikilvęgara, hvort heldur um er aš ręša "žżšingu" eša hreina frįsögn, innlenda eša erlenda?
Aušvitaš eru blašamenn "fólk" sem segir "ég held" og "mér finnst" og aušvitaš vętlar žetta ķ skrif žeirra og frįsagnir, žótt ķ vinnunni sé - į hverjum einasta degi.
En er ekki hęttan žegar vogarskįlin er ekki lengur ķ jafnvęgi og fleiri "mér finnst-arar" śr einum skošanahópi eru samankomnir ķ einni stétt?
Athyglivert er t.d. aš sjį hvaša "uppgjafarfréttamenn" ętla nś aš taka žįtt ķ prófkjörum og fyrir hvaša flokka.
Hvaš sagši Sigmundur Ernir fyrir ekki löngu, sama dag og hann var rekinn frį 365 mišlum, eša hvaš žaš nś heitir ķ dag, "laus undan oki aušmanna", var žaš ekki?
En hvaš ef hann hefši nś ekki veriš rekinn žann daginn? Hefši hann žį haldiš įfram aš skrifa fréttir undir oki aušmanna? ........ og nś ętlar hann ķ framboš - og fyrir hvaša flokk?
Varšandi yfirlżsinguna "góšu" er ekki hęgt aš segja aš Bandarķkjamenn hafi ķ raun veriš aš styšja okkur Ķslendinga meš žvķ aš senda frį sér svona kurteisa yfirlżsingu, ašeins til žess aš "friša" Greenpķsara į heimaslóš?
Veišum hvali - björgum žorskinum (IP-tala skrįš) 1.3.2009 kl. 11:27
Ég hef žaš į tilfinningunni aš žarna sé ęsifréttageniš aš verki hjį blašamönnum. Žaš viršist rķkja mikil löngun hjį blašamönnum žessi misseri aš blįsa allt śr samhengi, żkja fréttir og kanna yfirleitt bara eina hliš mįlsins.
Jóhann (IP-tala skrįš) 1.3.2009 kl. 11:35
"I know this doesn't really help the discussion of the Icelandic word fordęma but I think the Americans were condemning (modern usage) whaling, just more politely".
Here, Gregg, we must be talking about your personal interpretation. The political and diplomatic forces are laden with meaningful concepts and, yes, often it is felt necessary to "read between the lines". Taking this into account I still cannot see why this wording should be labeled a polite condemnation.
Granted, of course, neither Condemn nor Fordęma means "to damn to hell" anymore, but even so Fordęma is a much stronger word in Icelandic than you propose for USA (og English). In the Icelandic the difference is vast; To be "strongly opposed" to an action does not imply a physical reaction, but to "condemn" does.
I think that perhaps you are very, very strongly opposed to whaling, Gregg and personally condemn them. You are reading what you "hear" out of the words, but I hear differently. Aside from diplomatic politeness I do not think there is a case for condemnation a la Icelandic in there.
Frišrik Žór Gušmundsson, 1.3.2009 kl. 12:03
Here, Gregg, we must be talking about your personal interpretation. The political and diplomatic forces are laden with meaningful concepts and, yes, often it is felt necessary to "read between the lines". Taking this into account I still cannot see why this wording should be labeled a polite condemnation.
I have no idea what you are trying to say here. Are you suggesting that the Americans are softening their stance against commercial whaling? That because they chose to use strongly opposed instead of condemn that there is some hope that they might , in the future, allow whaling if the stock could support the harvest? who knows, maybe in the next letter they will use slightly irritated and give you even more hope. My point, sarcasm aside is, no matter what word they use or how you may feel it needs to be translated, the Americans are OPPOSED and will remain OPPOSED to commercial whaling. This is the point you and everyone else seems to be missing when quibbling with what Icelandic words should have been used. And I think the media got it right when they used fordęma because they seem to be the only ones who understand the reality.
You also wrote-I think that perhaps you are very, very strongly opposed to whaling, Gregg. Now I'm hoping this is some sort of error or a really bad joke.(if it is neither then we might need to discuss the word fordómur ) Because if you ever read anything I've ever wrote on the subject (http://www.gregg.blog.is/blog/gregg/)you would know that I support commercial whaling. And what I am trying to do here is dispell the myth of wishful thinking you are creating that because the Americans didn't say comdemn they didn't mean condemn. They did . Plain and simple. I don't tell you how to interpret Icelandic, don't tell me how to interpret English.
Slightly irritated :)
Gregg Thomas Batson (IP-tala skrįš) 1.3.2009 kl. 16:35
The U.S. Department of State used the words "strongly oppose". If they meant something else then guessing what it might have been can never be anything but speculative.
To "strongly oppose" some thing in a written text is not under any circumstances the same as if the word "condemn" had been used.
An authorized translation of "strongly oppose" in any text into Icelandic would never, in a month of Sundays, be "fordęma".
If someone wants to speculate as to what the writer or writers of the U.S. Department of State's note might have been thinking - fine, but the text is clear.
As the would say in the States "fordęma ain't the word" !More irritated (IP-tala skrįš) 1.3.2009 kl. 19:31
I am sorry, Gregg, that something here irritates you (slightly). The fact that USA opposes commercial whaling has not escaped me, on the contrary, this stance is well known. This thread began with my discussion on, not whaling, but the translation of this particular political and diplomatic statement.
For or against whaling; it doesn“t matter: The journalists involved did not have the ingredient necessary to say that the US condemnes this whling decision. They cannot and should not "read between the lines" and make USA“s opposition stronger than it is. I have no idea whether the stance is weakening or getting stronger toward commercial whaling in general: In my mind the USA strongly opposes this particular decision - but it is not condemned.
Maybe by now we, us two, are going around and around in circles and saying the same things?
Frišrik Žór Gušmundsson, 1.3.2009 kl. 20:15
I have discovered something that should bring all this discussion to an end. It appears that the writers of MBL are not trying to influence your thinking by using the word fordęma, they were just being lazy. You see the AFP (Agence France-Press), an international news agency, distributed a news article to their subscribers about the US/Iceland whaling issue on the exact same day MBL reported it. And guess what the headline was? US denounces Iceland whaling move. You can read the article here-
and here
and also here
It doesn't really matter which one you read, they are exactly the same, since they are all from the same news agency, AFP. The writers at MBL most likey did a short write-up/translation of this article.
Now the writers/editors at AFP must agree with me that strongly oppose really means condemn since denounce is a synonym of the word condemn. (According to Roget's College Thesaurus) Damn, I love it when I'm right! And of course denounce is translated to fordęma in Icelandic which expains why the writers chose to use it.
I sincerely hope this is the happy ending to this lengthy, but engaging discussion.
Gregg Thomas Batson (IP-tala skrįš) 1.3.2009 kl. 21:44
This seems a plausible explanation: "Lazy" journalists. Not necessarily lazy though; just over-worked, understaffed and prioritizing journalists, sounds more like it. A few of thme may be lazy as well. The usage of international news agencies is standard procedure and I guess there was not time to go straight to the horse“s mouth and perhaps no necessity felt to do so. To "denounce" is close enough to Fordęma.
On the other hand denounce also is too strong a word for "stongly oppose", so we are back at square one. Did we just move between one set of lazy and/or partial journalists to another? Not that I“m proposing a renewed session here!
Frišrik Žór Gušmundsson, 1.3.2009 kl. 22:18
The U.S Department of State used the words "strongly oppose" in their Statement. Visir.is and MBL.is translated this and used the Icelandic equivalent of the English word "condemn".
A rewrite of the note from the U.S. Department of State by a "slanted" journalist somewhere does not right a wrong.
The original from the U.S. Department of State is and has to be the reference point, being "strongly oppose" and NOT condemn.
This is a clear as day!
Let there be an end (IP-tala skrįš) 2.3.2009 kl. 00:21
denounce also is too strong a word for "strongly oppose"
You are not going to be able to make a statement like that and not have me respond. I see the inability to admit one is wrong is not only a disease of the Icelandic politicians. Denounce has always been used to describe being strongly opposed. If one makes a statement saying they are strongly opposed to something then they are denouncing it. some examples -
Please don't embarrass yourselves any longer and try to argue that some bloggers in Iceland know better than the journalism department of Berkeley on how to make use of the word denounce.
Here is the beautiful part of the English language. It is a living, breathing language. Some words live, some die, and some change their meaning; some slightly, some alot. If some word or phrase is used long enough in a particular way with a particular meaning that word takes on that usage. Denounce is that same as stating one is strongly opposed. The evidence is incontrovertible.
Here is your end.
Gregg Thomas Batson (IP-tala skrįš) 2.3.2009 kl. 00:53
Radio Free Europe - Radio Liberty as a source - seriously?
Unless words no longer have any meaning, which might well be the case.
Now how about Mr. Baston doing us all a favour by sending a note to the U.S. Department of State asking if they were in fact "condemning" Icelandic whaling by using the words "strongly oppose"?
It would be interesting to see who would be eating the "humble pie" !
No more of this utter nonsense !
The end (IP-tala skrįš) 2.3.2009 kl. 12:08
Wow, you found one source you don't agree with so that must mean you are right. Actually RFE is funded by The United States Congress so that gives them even more credibility. I notice you didn't have any comments about the other sources. What's the matter, can't dispute the facts?
I don't need to send the State Department a letter, I already know what they meant. They didn't issue a correction about the worldwide news stories stating they were inaccurate so they must be satisfied with the articles. But perhaps they don't follow up on world reaction to their press releases, who knows.
Yes, please stop your nonsense. Enjoy your pie.
Gregg Thomas Batson
I know I'm right, that's why I'm not afraid to put my name.
Gregg Thomas Batson (IP-tala skrįš) 2.3.2009 kl. 13:29
The United States strongly opposes the Government of Iceland’s announcement on February 18, 2009, of its decision to uphold the former Government’s issuance of a quota for 150 fin and 100 minke whales to be harvested in Icelandic waters.
Frišrik Žór Gušmundsson, 2.3.2009 kl. 17:06
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.